In any language, adjectives are often used to further express the key message of a sentence. While English is known for its sheer infinite number of adjectives stemming from many different languages, German is known for creating compound words that consist of simple building blocks. It’s their combination that creates particular nuances we translators try to convey in the other language by either paraphrasing or finding a suitable equivalent depending on context.  

Here are some examples of wonderful, typical German adjectives that do not have a direct equivalent in English. By they way, Eigenschaftswort: characteristics word (adjective).

beratungsresistent: resistant to consultation (immune to feedback)

beflügelnd: giving wings (inspiring)

begeisterungsfähig: capable of being enthusiastic (easily sold)

ehrgeizig: keen on honor (ambitious)

empfehlenswert: recommendable (noteworthy)

entgegenkommend: coming towards you (accommodating)

experimentierfreudig:  keen on experimenting (adventurous)

glaubwürdig: believe worthy (credible)

kompromissbereit: willing to compromise (flexible)

krisensicher: crisis-proof (solid)

leistungsorientiert: achievement-oriented (ambitious)

ohrenbetäubend: ear-deafening (very load)

pflichtbewusst: duty-conscious (reliable)

rechtschaffen: right-obtaining (honest)

richtungsweisend: direction setting (trendsetting)

verantwortungsvoll: full of responsibility (responsible)

wahrheitsliebend: truth loving (honest)

wissenshungrig: knowledge hungry (curious)


German and English
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